MIT XR Hackathon 2020
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MIT XR Hackathon 2020
Mentoring for a second year. Cool that I’m being brought back, had a blast last year, looking forward to it.

Brett Phares reveals our relations to media, how different elements accumulate into unpredictable associations—at once to be viewed as discrete lyrical objects in which historical, institutional and personal memory converge, and within a larger corpus predicated on the simultaneous avowal and disavowal of narrative unity—and tamed into coherent packets of information.
His art sheds light on the intellectual and bodily disorientation, the surrender to ethical perdition of lives spent traveling through media domains seemingly at the extreme limits of imaginable experience, suspended in a space where the bounds between reality and illusion are confused. The key question to address is not what Brett Phares’ artifacts are about, but rather what position they adopt in the fluidity of perception they depict.
I create visualizations, glimpses into how information/data is framed to state a proposition. These personal visualizations take on interrogations of attention, deficits and surpluses, and the effects of losing one’s senses, literally and figuratively, through shifts of representation in media, identity and context.